Research Activities
Research Interests
I am interested in the processes of “urban transformation” across both the global north and south.
Urban transformation refers to the change and development that occurs in urban areas, including physical, social, and economic changes. It can also involve significant investment in the built-environment through the renovation or redevelopment of existing buildings and infrastructure and the creation of new buildings and public spaces. This has the potential to induce changes in the demographic and socioeconomic makeup of the population, as well as increase land values.
Significantly driven by public actions (e.g., investment in transit infrastructure), my work adopts an evidence-based equity lens to examine potential consequences arising from urban transformation processes. Research areas to date include:
- Urban land/real estate economics (estimating land value uplift)
- Data science and spatio-econometric techniques
- Transport geography
- Transit infrastructure investment and transit-oriented developments
- Gentrification and residential displacement
- Urban planning and policy
- Smart cities
- Public participation
Ongoing Projects
As part of the Mobilizing Justice Partnership, I am focusing on transit-induced gentrification and displacement in Canada by tracing the impacts of transit infrastructure investment on the property market and on intra-urban migration.
This work is guided by the above conceptual framework offered by Nilsson and Delmelle, 2020. The framework shows the link between transit investment and neighborhood changes.
- Sutton, J., Arcidiacono, A., Torrisi, G., & ARKU, R. N. (2023). Regional economic resilience: A scoping review. Progress in Human Geography, 03091325231174183.
- Bandauko, E., & ARKU, R. N. (2023). Exploring the rationalization, functional integration and socio-spatial implications of Zimbabwe's New Capital City (NCC). Journal of Urban Affairs. 1–20.
- ARKU, R. N., Buttazzoni, A., Agyapon-Ntra, K., & Bandauko, E. (2022). Highlighting smart city mirages in public perceptions: A Twitter sentiment analysis of four African smart city projects. Cities, 130.
- Bandauko, E. & ARKU, R. N. (2022). A critical analysis of 'smart cities' as an urban development strategy in Africa. International Planning Studies, 1-18.
- Bandauko, E., Kutor, S. K., & ARKU, R. N. (2022). Trapped or not trapped? An empirical investigation into the lived experiences of the urban poor in Harare's selected informal settlements. African Geographical Review, 1-20.
Policy Papers
- Siemiatycki, M., Fagan, D., & ARKU, R. N. (2023). Land Value Capture Study: Paying for Transit-Oriented Communities. Prepared by Infrastructure Institute, School of Cities, University of Toronto. Supported by Canada Infrastructure Bank. Find more here.
- ARKU, R.N. (2022). "The Average Price of Single-family Detached Homes in Different Communities along the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit." A blog article written for the Mobilizing Justice project. Available here
- ARKU, R.N. (2022). "Urban Planning and Anti-Black Racism in Canada: Reflections on the past as a way to promote a better future." Featured Planning Exchange Blog (Black History Month) for Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI). Available here
- ARKU, R.N. (2021). "Developing a Map-based Web Tool using ArcGIS for my Masters Thesis." A blog article written for ESRI Canada Centres of Excellence (ECCE). Available here
- ARKU, R. N. (2021). "Green Financing in Real Estate." A blog article written for SAASEPEDIA. Available here
- ARKU, R.N. (2020). "The 'Black Nod'". A blog article that shares personal experiences in identifying as a black. Available here
- ARKU, R.N. (2020). "Is Mapping Really the Ultimate Equalizer?" A blog article written for ESRI Canada Centres of Excellence (ECCE). Available here
- ARKU, R.N., Oppong-Adjei, R. (2019). "Siri, Open the Door!" A blog article on smart-tech homes written for SAASEPEDIA. Available here
- ARKU, R.N. (2019). "I have to buy a house!!!... or do I? Buying vs Renting a house." A blog article written for SAASEPEDIA. Available here
- 2023. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR) Foundation Studentship. Read more here
- 2022-23. Geography and Planning Black Student Award, University of Toronto. Read more here
- Other Scholarships, Fellowships and Studentships from both the University of Toronto and University of Waterloo